Nomoto Iesada (野本家定)

Iesada NOMOTO (year of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) in the Kamakura Period and was said to have been a gokenin (immediate vassal of the shogunate) of the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun). He was commonly known as 'Nomoto Syogen' (Lietenant).

It is believed that he built a huge residence in the area, now Ozaki, Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, around 1206, and he gained a nickname 'Nomoto Shogun' because of the size of his residence and his great power. The former site of his residence was excavated and researched in 1980 and 1985, which revealed that it was a large scale structure, having at least three baileys.
This residence is now called 'Kananoi Castle.'

Based on the remains and tradition, he seems to have been one of the major gokenin, whereas his personality and achievements are widely unknown. But a sort of his achievement is known as follows.

Nomoto Shogen fell in love with a yujo (prostitute) in Nakazato (Noda City, Chiba Prefecture) and sneakeed out of his castle to meet her night after night.'
Finding this distasteful, one night, one of his vassals attempted to kill Shogen with a sword along the way.'
Shogen tried to defend himself but was killed as a pine tree blocked his way.'
His kubizuka (tomb of the head) remains in the area where he lost his life.'
The Bishamon-do Temple in the neighborhood which was dedicated to the soul of Nomoto Shogen, never grows pine trees, in fear of being cursed by him.'

Much is not known regarding himself as well as the Nomoto family.

[Original Japanese]